Site Settings
This page allows you to customize your browsing experience on Solscan.
*Note: Site settings are saved in local storage
Address Display
Choose desired address hash truncation format
*Note: Back truncation allows for finding address hash in page (CTRL+F)
Address Highlight
Highlight all occurrences of an address in a given page upon hover
Hide Zero-Value Token Transfers
Hide zero-value token transfers from being displayed on the site
*Note: This is a Beta feature with ongoing improvements
Auto refresh in NFT/Defi Activity
Enable auto refetch of NFT/Defi activity
Ignore Tokens with Poor Reputation
Hide all transactions of tokens that have been flagged by Solscan as Suspicious, Unsafe, Spam or Brand Infringement from being displayed on the site.
*Note: This is a Beta feature with ongoing improvements
Date Time Format
Select whether to display Date Time in UTC or local (UTC-0) time zone
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